QUIZ: Can You Guess the Weird Group Names for These 10 Safari Animals?

Written by Thomson Safaris

herd of zebra in serengeti

A murder of crows. A cauldron of bats. A flamboyance of flamingos. Animal group names are oftentimes weird, funny and incredibly colorful.

Can you guess the group names for the following 10 animals you’ll see on safari? Keep track of your score and see how you rank!

Take the Quiz!

1. A _______ of Lions

A.) Pack
B.) Staff
C.) Pride

[Click here to reveal answer]

C.) Pride!


2. A _______ of Rhinos

A.) Parade
B.) Crash
C.) Congregation

[Click here to reveal answer]

B.) Crash!


3. A _______ of Hyenas

A.) Cackle
B.) Confusion
C.) Troop

[Click here to reveal answer]

A.) Cackle!


4. A _______ of Giraffes

A.) Parade
B.) Band
C.) Tower

[Click here to reveal answer]

C.) Tower!


5. A _______ of Wildebeest

A.) Troubling
B.) Confusion
C.) Pack

[Click here to reveal answer]

B.) Confusion!


6. A_______  of Zebras

A.) Dazzle
B.) Yoke
C.) Host

[Click here to reveal answer]

A.) Dazzle!


7. A _______ of Elephants

A.) Pod
B.) Parade
C.) Tank

[Click here to reveal answer]

B.) Parade!


8. A _______  of Hippos

A.) Bloat
B.) Skulk
C.) Troubling

[Click here to reveal answer]

A.) Bloat!


9. A _______ of Leopards

A.) Horde
B.) Team
C.) Leap

[Click here to reveal answer]

C.) Leap!


10. A_______ of Crocodiles

A.) Charm
B.) Congregation
C.) Conspiracy

[Click here to reveal answer]

B.) Congregation!


How’d You Do?

0-3 correct: Looks like there’s room for improvement…maybe it’s time to head out on safari and spot the Big Five, among others!

4-7 correct: Good work! Your answers show a familiarity with wildlife that will serve you well in the Serengeti.

8-10 correct: Are you a Thomson guide? Your guesses indicate a strong intuitive sense for animal group names…or you just knew them beforehand!

Why do these names exist?

pride of lion drink at water hole

The act of naming animal groups is believed to have started in England, in the Late Middle Ages. The colorful names are “terms of venery,” and they helped hunters more easily identify animals and predict their behavior. With time, this tradition evolved to include names that don’t pertain to hunting–thus, a bed of oysters or a yoke of oxen both make sense.

When you’re on safari, don’t let this jargon discourage you from saying a “herd” of wildebeest or a “group” of hyenas–you may get funny looks if you use the “correct” terms!