We Asked, “What Does Safari Mean to You?” Here are your answers.

Written by Thomson Safaris

lion in serengeti tanzania

We’ve noticed a trend over our 40 years of safari in Tanzania: Almost all our guests go for the wildlife and the African savanna, but many leave feeling like they have experienced something greater, something soul shaping. We at Thomson Safaris are inspired by stories like this, and strive to help our guests experience this excitement at every opportunity. To celebrate this feeling, we asked what safari means to you in our previous newsletter. Here are your responses, along with additional insight from staff and guests throughout the years.

 What does safari mean to you?

“[Safari to me is] the grandeur of the bush and the African plains. The whole ecosystem. The complexity of survival in its most basic form. Watching it unfold in your limited time in Tanzania, knowing the drama repeats everyday as it has for millions of years. It quiets the mind.”Thomson guest


“Even now, if I close my eyes, I can almost taste the crisp early morning air off the long grass plains.”Thomson staffer Paul Jones


“The wilds of Africa will stir your soul and warm your heart; once you get the dust of Africa on your boots, you will always find a way to return.”Thomson guest


“For my son and me, it was an investment in enriching our lives that will always repay as a perfect golden memory. And a lifelong quest to go back.”
Thomson guest


“Our [safari] was more than lifechanging…we were part of something special that we’ll be able to share with our grandkids. We were part of something bigger than us.”David McKay of McKay Photo Academy


“That feeling of adventure – you know, for a mom – it’s always exciting, but this was the biggest adventure we’ve ever had…We were at a Maasai village, and my son had his phone and was doing SnapChat with the Maasai children. The laughter is the best thing I’ve ever heard.”Thomson guest Jennifer Zaltman


“We took our kids on a family safari with Thomson a decade ago and we still talk about it as one of our best, best family vacations. Today my kids are in college and grad school. But the memories are even more precious.”
Thomson guest Marybeth Bond


“When we returned from each of our game drives, [the Thomson staff] were waiting to greet us with high fives and hugs. Not just with the warmth of the blankets and the endless offerings of food, but with their genuine attitudes and friendship, I felt as though I’d come to family and friends after a long absence.”Thomson staffer Carolyn Hardy


“The expert guidance from prep at home through the trip, allowing us to completely focus on the miracle of being in Tanzania.”Thomson guest