sunrise and acacia in serengeti

Photo: Eric Kilby

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December 19, 2024

Top Photos & Videos from 2024

Continue reading Top Photos & Videos from 2024

The Leopard & Tommie

Kudos to Thomson guide Seph for capturing this memorable moment in the Serengeti.

leopard by land rover

Kilimanjaro Celebration

How does it feel to trek to the Roof of Africa? Something like this.

celebrate climbing kilimanjaro

Lion Gets Close!

Share this moment of exhilaration with Thomson guest Mary as a lion walks right up to her vehicle.

lion walking by land rover

The Smile Makers

Guides are an integral part of a safari, but Thomson guides know how to make an extraordinary experience even more special. Dickson and Arthur pictured below.

thomson guides on land rover

Joyful Calves

Two elephant calves break up caravan monotony with a moment of play. A slice of life brilliantly captured by photographer Eric Kilby.

elephant herd calves

One Step at a Time

Join the camaraderie of Thomson guest Katie and her crew on their fun-filled Mount Kilimanjaro trek.

experience climbing Kilimanjaro

Nature’s Greatest Spectacle

The chaos and excitement of a Great Migration river crossing tops the list for any wildlife photographer. Professional Wesley Bernard captured this splash-tastic image on Thomson’s Photography Safari. Call now to book your spot for next year!

wildebeest river crossing great migration

When the Wildlife Comes to You

Thomson guest Cherie seized the opportunity for this once-in-a-lifetime photo when a zebra wandered into camp to graze on the grasses just outside of her tent.

thomson guest by zebra at camp

How Can You Resist this Cuteness? 

Did you say awwww out loud? We did. What a cutie.

Nighttime Summit on Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro’s unique beauty inspired Thomson guest Taylor all the way to the summit. We love how he used a long exposure technique to photograph the glow of headlamps illuminating the trail’s switchbacks on summit morning.

kilimanjaro hiking headlamps

Magical Morning

Photographer Wesley Bernard captures the warm light of a Serengeti morning shining on this handsome lion.

Want to see more safari and Kilimanjaro photos? Follow us on Instagram for images taken exclusively by Thomson guests!

Want to take your own epic photos or hone your photography skills? Learn more about our Great Migration Photo Safari led by professional photographer Wesley Bernard.

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